When Indoor Air Causes Allergies & Symptoms


Do you encounter allergies every now and then, irrespective of season and time? Before jumping into a house mold removal project there are a few things we would like to point out. It is very likely you are allergic to molds or other fungi. Molds are almost everywhere in your house and it is one of the most common and irritating problems homeowners face.

They grow everywhere and prosper anywhere they find moisture. The poorly ventilated, warm, and damp regions are their most loved areas which mean they might be living, growing, and provoking allergies and respiratory problems inside your home.

Reduce Allergies by Reducing Moisture

As mentioned earlier, mold loves moisture. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is remove what they love and gain their hatred. Mildew is the substance that causes all the problems. It is a thick black or white layer that forms on bathroom grout or where there is moisture. The only solution to this problem is cleaning. Clean your bathroom and kitchen regularly and dry wet clothes and shower curtains.

If you have a basement in your home, keep an eye on it, too. Most of us ignore it and molds find peace in there when cleaning isn’t done properly. An air conditioner, humidistat, and a dehumidifier can help in cleaning moisture. For instance, if your air conditioner is not functioning well, you may need to get it repaired or replaced with a new one. In place of an age-old air conditioner, you can buy a new AC. Also, you can contact reputed service providers for a New AC replacement in Plantation, FL (or wherever you are based).

Consult with a Mold Professional to See if Mold Removal is Needed

When it comes to allergies and house mold removal; you need a professional’s experience and training is a vital component to ensure the safety of the occupants and also to ensure that your mold problem doesn’t become worse.

Some homeowners, maintenance managers, property managers and landlords try to rectify mold by themselves in an attempt to save on costs. In these moments, we like to bring to people’s attention a simple reality. There is a reason that house mold removal, mold testing, & mold inspection services are a highly certified and insured industry. It’s not like painting or mowing the grass, a simple task that anyone can do. Mold removal, mold testing, & mold inspections can all be a very complex process. The costs and liability for completing a house mold removal project incorrectly are vast. It is recommended to follow the EPA guidelines for mold removal and their recommendation for when to contact a professional.