4 Steps to Maintain Your HVAC System?

4 Practical Steps to Properly Maintain Your HVAC System

It is crucially important to maintain your home’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) units. Otherwise, negligence and low-maintenance can lead to serious consequences. Undoubtedly, household heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are the essential components of any home’s safety, protection, and comfort. Treat these systems right in order to avoid any unfortunate events; home fire, ventilation blockage, blowing off of air-conditioning units, etc.

If you want to keep your heating and air-conditioning units intact, then it is recommended to follow some simple steps. Following these maintenance steps can save you time and keep you and your home secure.

1. Change Air Filters on a Regular Basis

Clogged and blocked air filters can have an adverse effect on the performance of heating and cooling systems. The blockage in air filters can also lead to the weak functionality of the systems, applying more load on the heating and cooling systems. Thus, consuming more energy and causing premature wear. Check your user manual for the cleaning of the units and make sure to replace the disposable air filters to ensure that the air is flowing freely. Additionally, you might have to take a look at your heating system, as that might have a different kind of filter. With regular cleaning of air filters and good quality heating oil like Romeo’s Fuel, you might be able to increase the longevity of your furnace.

2. Keep the Air Conditioner Compressors Clear

It is a well-known fact that all heating and air-conditioning units rely on outdoor compressors for an exchange of hot air with cold and vice versa for a heating system. Keep a regular check on the surroundings of the compressors, especially during the rainy and fall season. Additionally, you can get your HVAC serviced and cleaned by a professional, maybe through someone similar to Brooks Heating and Air company, in your close vicinity.

3. Have Units Serviced by HVAC Professional Twice Per Year

No matter how cautious you stay, it may be a good idea to frequently check your heating and cooling systems. It is important to get both heating and air-conditioning units serviced by professionals (find them on albertculver.com). They are trained to check and fix even the minute issues. Schedule a routine check-up of your units without waiting for an issue to occur in either of the systems. Preventative maintenance can save thousands of dollars in repair or replacement costs. If you’re looking to hire someone for a periodic yearly maintenance, check Hollenbach Home Comfort Services or similar ones in your area.

4. Maintain Your Home’s Ventilation

It is important to maintain the ventilation system of your home and keep it in a good operational working condition. Have you ever felt irritated by blocked nose during cold and flu? Well, this is the exact situation your home’s vents and ducts go through upon blockage with dirt.

  • Make sure to clean the main ventilation enter and exit points every once in a while to avoid blockage and low-performance.
  • Keep check of the leaks
  • Re-tape any fallen duct insulation to prevent heat leak
  • Make sure to clean your kitchen’s exhaust fans/vents in order to avoid smoke in the house

Every home needs proper and timely maintenance of heating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Make sure to keep a strict check on your home’s safety by having a proper check on the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems.